Research Projects

Competitive Grants Received (Grants of ca. >£10,000 in value)

>£4M in external research income from UK and international funding councils, agencies and charities. 

2023, NZD $929,000, Marsden Fund, Royal Society Te Aparangi, Past abrupt Antarctic ice sheet melt events and impacts on sea level and climate, (Co-I).

2023, £24,000, Royal Society IEC\R3\223007 – International Exchanges 2022 UK-Japan Cost Share Scheme: ‘Japan and UK collaborative project for fostering young scientists and developing a new paleotemperature proxy’ (PI).  

2023, ca. £10,000, NERC Discipline Hopping for Discovery Science Programme: Ancient Cretan Civilisations: Climate, Diet and Water Management’ (PI). 

2022, £99,938, NERC Exploring the Frontiers Grant NE/X011771/1: Novel insights into the Northeast Winter Monsoon’, Co-I, with PIDr Vasile Ersek, Northumbria University.

2022, £13,194, ‘Proposal for Additional Fume Hood capacity’, GEES Research Support Fund 2022. PI.

2022, £11,800, ‘Proposal for a BiotageLV TurboVap’, University of Birmingham, College of LES, Equipment Call, PI.  

2021, £9,250, Understanding the impact that thermal maturity has on branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs), NERC NEIF grant no. 2321.0920, (PI, with PhD Matt Allison and Dr Steve Jones).

2021, ca. £73,000 in kind, LES CSC Fee Waiver Scholarship for Changhai Hou.

2021, £25,410, Constraining the Isotopic Response of Leaf Material Grown Under Elevated CO2, NEIF 2321.0920 (PI, with PhD student Bridget Warren).

2020, £35,882, NERC-NEIF Proposal “New Terrestrial Biomarker Tools” NEIF 2289.0420 (PI, with PhD student Alice Hardman).

2019, NZD $960,000, Marsden Fund, Royal Society Te Aparangi, Antarctic Ice Sheet interactions with the ocean during past warm climates, (Co-I).

2019, £37,200, The Neogene Evolution of the NE Atlantic Basin (2nd Award)” BRIS/138/1019 (PI, with PhD student Jonathan Hall).

2018-2021, £283,946, Leverhulme Trust Grant, “Unlocking the Toolbox of Soil Bacterial Biomarkers” PRG-2018-110 (PI).

2018, £31,260, NERC-LSMSF, “The Neogene Evolution of the NE Atlantic Basin (1st Award)” BRIS/115/0418 (PI, with PhD student Jonathan Hall).

2017, £51,815, NERC-NIGL,  Global reconstructions of Miocene pCO2 BRIS/118/0718, (PI, with PhD student Kate Ashley).

2016-2020, £628,079, ‘Reducing Greenhouse Climate Proxy Uncertainty’, NERC Standard Grant : NE/P013112/1 (Co-I).

2016, £25,025, NERC-LSMSF, ‘Late Oligocene to Pliocene Antarctic climate and ecosystem evolution, BRIS/85/1015  (PI).

2016, £36,592,  NERC-LSMSF ‘Northeast Atlantic sea surface temperature in the early Eocene Climatic Optimum’, Proposal no. BRIS/89/0416 (Co-I).

2015, £39,685  IODP Expedition 355 “Arabian Sea Monsoon” and post-cruise moratorium award: NERC (n.b. value in kind of scientific berth is ca. $400k) NE/N005414/1 (PI).

2011, £17,417 (¥2,354,000) Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Research, Salary Expenses and Grant-in-Aid for Invitation Fellowship (June – December 2011) (PI).

2010, £513,000, NE/I00646X/1, A Biomarker Goldmine in Wilkes Land, Antarctica: nuggets from the Eocene Greenhouse (BIGWIG). NERC UK-IODP (PI).

2009, £10,956, NE/H014616/1, Staff time for participation on Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318, Wilkes Land, Antarctica. NERC (n.b. value in kind of scientific berth is ca. $400k) (PI).

2009, £12,000, Multi-proxy, high resolution palaeoclimate records from Hokkaido lake sediments. A Royal Society International Joint Project Grant (PI).

2009, £35,000, “BIOSUN: Biomarker Reconstructions of Marine and Terrestrial Climate Signals in a High-Resolution Sediment Core from Loch Sunart, N.W. Scotland.” Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (PI).

2009, £53,900, Mapping inputs of plant biomarkers to glacial ice archives: A novel tool for palaeoclimatology, (Kone Foundation, Helsinki, Finland) (PI).

2003, £63,000, NERC-LSMSF – GC-CI-MS analysis of alkenone samples (PI)

NERC CENTA Doctoral Training Partnership Grants Received

Additional grants during the lifetime of the DTP, all as PI.

2018, £85,248, NERC National Productivity Investment Fund for additional Studentships , NE/L002493/1

2017, £251,240, NERC National Productivity Investment Fund for additional Studentships, NE/L002493/1

2016, £149,755, NERC DTP and CDT ‘added value activities in innovation’. Added to: NE/L002493/1.

2014, £135,000, NERC DTP and CDT ‘added value activities in innovation’. Added to: NE/L002493/1.

Plus >27 Small Research Grants

Each <£10,000 (<$13,000) totalling >£100,000 including from the Birmingham-Illinois Partnership Fund, GEES Pump Priming, NSF-China (incl. the 111 Programme), Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, The Royal Society, Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, SAGES Enabling Fund, The Geological Society, The Nuffield Foundation, EPSRC Geographical Research Grant, The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, The NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory, The NERC Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility.